£5 per Session
Croquet Section members can sponsor non-members to play croquet on a limited number of occasions each year, after payment of a green fee.
The Green Fee is £5 per person per session. (One, two or three sessions per visit.) However a maximum of £10 per day is payable if you stay for all 3 sessions.
A maximum of 6 visits per person during the Summer playing season (usually March to October). Separate arrangements will apply during the Winter season.
The sponsoring Croquet Section member must sign in the visitor(s), ensure the fee is paid and be responsible for the visitor(s) throughout their visit. See instructions below.
Morning – From 09:30 until 13:00. Be clear of the courts by 13:30.
Afternoon – From 13:30 (when courts are allocated to players) until 17:00
Evening – From 17:00 until dusk.
For Croquet Social Members the same rules apply, but no sponsor is needed.
Green Fees may be paid online to:
Account Name: East Dorset Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Limited
Sort code: 204545
Account Number: 43584291
Ref: GreenFee
or they should be put through the small slot in the wall on the left inside the mallet cupboard. Please pay before playing. Cash or cheques (made out to EDLTCC) are accepted.
The sponsor is responsible for legibly completing the entry in the green fee book (kept in the mallet cupboard) before the visitor plays.
Holiday visitors
Longer term temporary visitors to the area can pay a Holiday Green Fee for a maximum of a two month period. Fees are £25 for 7 consecutive days and £50 for 31 consecutive days (which can be added together up to a maximum of 62 consecutive days). Any Croquet Committee member should be approached to make the necessary arrangements, take payment, brief the visitor on Club procedures and complete the Green Fee Book entry. This arrangement is not intended for anyone with their own accommodation within 25 miles of the Club.
Visitor status
Visitors playing under the Green Fee scheme are not members of the Club but, for the periods covered by their Green Fees, are considered to be temporary members. They may avail themselves of all croquet playing opportunities at the Club, including use of club mallets, and may use the Clubhouse facilities, including the bar and café. They may play in Club Day events and may enter Club Competitions that are still open for registration, subject to meeting any competition conditions and paying the entry fees, in addition to the Green Fees. Visitors are subject to any Club Rules and Croquet Section Bye Laws.
Visitors to The Club should be aware that The Club accepts no responsibility for injury, accident or loss occurring on Club premises. Any such injury, accident or loss should be reported to a Club Officer, and details of any accident should be entered in the Club's accident book.
170419 Green Fees 2017 Ver 2.doc - Approved by Croquet Committee 18 April 2017 – Updated December 2021