AC Doubles Final and D-Class Tie-Break
We had been advised that both of these internal competitions had to be completed
by 15Nov, and so 14Nov was chosen. By chance, the D-Class tie-break was made
up of the three other competitors in the Doubles final, and so, just to keep the
symmetry, I volunteered to adjudicate the tie-break.
AC Handicap Doubles Final:
The weather was pretty good at 11.30 when the Doubles Final started: David Fuller/
Michael Durtnall vs Martin Hancock/Michael Hornung.
Michael and I, playing alternate shots, had a good start creating a three ball break
from little, picking up the fourth ball from the C4 on the way to H4, just like we are
told to, and then sticking in H6, just like we expect to, when the break was going so
well. Michael and Martin then spent a good deal of time in control, using bisques
wisely, keeping us apart, and grabbing a couple of hoops at a time.
To cut a long story short, with 20 minutes left, the scores were tied at 12 each, and
neither Michael nor I could hit from a distance to save our lives (or the match). Two
more hoops by M&M, and then it got exciting.
One minute left on the clock and Martin joined up with our balls separated. I pushed
Michael out to play his shot at our other ball, sharpish, to hit/join up to ensure one
more visit. The timer expired just as the ball came to rest.
Two hoops down. Last turn! Once again we were separated although one ball was
near the peg. I shot at the middle ball from the boundary and hit (I know, I couldn't
believe it either!), Michael played a lovely take off from near the peg to behind H5, I
ran H5 and Michael rushed the reception ball just past the peg to H6. Exciting. I
decide to play a take-off to H6 to maximise the chance of the hoop (Chicken!
Although the thinking was to join up after the hoop run, as the opponent balls were
well separated) but left it two yards short. Michael played a lovely smooth hoop
running shot but the ball took just too much wire and it stopped two-thirds of the way
through. So close!
Plus One on Time! Ah well. An exciting end to a good quality match. no-one
deserved to lose blah blah, but probably true. Congratulations to Hancock &
Hornung who collected the trophies, whilst we took the wine!
AC D-Class Tie-Break:
Oh the excitement; we had to calm the crowd down at this point (to clarify, crowd =
Gary and MichaelD's wife, Claire). But with the sun touching the tops of trees to the
West we had to get a move on. The tie-break was between: Michael Durtnall, Martin
Hancock and Michael Hornung.
The tie-break would be the execution of a four-ball break from a setup position (B1:
C1; B2 nr C1 with rush to H1; B3 nr H2; B4 nr peg) round six hoops plus peg out -
lowest number of bisques taken being the winner.
Lawn 5 was commandeered (thanks David!) to allow simultaneous play and off they
went. There were some good shots played although the fact that we had all been
playing for over four hours might have triggered a couple of tired shots.
In the end it was a close-run thing, MichaelD winning by a single bisque from
MichaelH, winning the AC D-Class Trophy. This also seemed fair as then everyone
had won a trophy. Well, except me. Never mind. And anyway, I muscled in on the
presentation photos.
Thanks Gary for coordinating and chasing to get these competitions closed out and
presenting the trophies in the impending gloom.
14 Nov 2022

East Dorset Croquet Club